Membership should be renewed annually by 1st March.  Members who have not renewed by 1st April will be removed from the membership list and those that renew after that date will be required to pay a rejoining fee of £35.  Associate members with membership cards that expire on the 1st March of the current membership year will not be able to continue their observed rides or take part in club rides out until their membership is renewed.  Reminders are posted in the club magazine.

Renewing your EKAM membership does NOT renew your IAM RoadSmart membership; this is dealt with separately by IAM RoadSmart. If you are in training, you must have current membership of IAM RoadSmart in order to renew your EKAM membership.

There are several methods by which existing members and associates can renew their EKAM membership: -

  • Complete the form that is contained within the February issue of the club magazine.  Payment options are included below.
  • Download and print the form, and follow the instructions at the foot of the form.  Payment options are shown below.
  • Complete the on-line form.  Payment options are shown below; there is no facility to make payment online via this website. If you are registered on this site and logged in then certain fields will be pre-completed for you, but it is not a requirement.

Payment Options and Instructions

A completed paper form should be sent to: -

The Membership Secretary
East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists

c/o Spring Tyne
Kent      CT18 8AB 

The correct payment should be submitted at the same time as follows: -

  • New Member/Returning Member joining fee:  £35.00 cheque or Bank Transfer.
  • Associate:  £35.00 cheque or Bank Transfer.
  • Full Member:  £27.50 cheque;  £25.00 by Bank Transfer.

Electronic Bank Transfers should be completed with the following information: -

Pay to: East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists
Sort Code: 30-90-28
Account No.: 01280962
Reference: your EKAM membership number followed by your surname (e.g. 1234SMITH)

 Cheques should be crossed and made payable to "East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists" and not "EKAM".

If your EKAM membership fee is paid by Standing Order or Direct Bank Transfer you should still complete the EKAM Membership Renewal Form to ensure EKAM has the correct details on file. New Standing Orders are no longer  accepted by EKAM.

IMPORTANT:  All renewals received AFTER 31st March will be required to pay a Joining/Re-Joining membership fee of £35.00.  Members should also note that it is their responsibility to ensure that repeating and automated electronic bank transfers are updated if the membership fees are changed.

To comply with The Data Protection Act 2018, EKAM are required to obtain agreement from each member that he/she is willing to: -

  1. Receive information on training, committee, and social events, together with newsletters/magazines relating to the group and Road Safety.
  2. Appear in or be referred to in or on group social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., group newsletters/magazines and group related websites.
  3. Receive EKAM magazines delivered by EKAM members unless specifically requested that these be delivered by Royal Mail.

EKAM will regard membership renewal as tacit agreement to the above clauses unless the Membership Secretary is notified to the contrary in writing by the individual concerned.


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