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Should you wish to create an account please note you must be an existing club member. Non-member applications will not be authenticated and will be summarily deleted. You do not need to register to renew your membership. Go HERE.
If you are no longer a member of EKAM your account may have already been deleted.
List last purged: 2nd June 2024.
Latest Events
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19 Feb 2025; 07:30PM - 11:00PM Club Night - Travelogue |
23 Feb 2025; 10:00AM - Sunday Social Rideout |
01 Mar 2025; 09:00AM - 01:00PM ITAM |
19 Mar 2025; 07:30PM - 11:00PM Club Night - AGM |
23 Mar 2025; 10:00AM - Sunday Social Rideout |
05 Apr 2025; 09:00AM - 01:00PM ITAM |
What's It All About?
If you are considering an advanced riding course then come to the real experts. With observers from East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists you will have your riding skills honed on a one-to-one basis on the best value-for-money courses available, and take an advanced rider test at the end.
Advanced riding, assisted by East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists, a non-profit making organisation, offers cost-effective guidance leading to the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Motorcycle Test under the IAMRoadSmart's Advanced Rider Course package. If you are considering signing up then it might be worth your while to contact our
Club runs, barbeques, auctions, dealer demo evenings, to name but a few activities that EKAM members get up to on the social front. Take a look at the Club Events page to see what else our members are getting up to.
The club meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 7:30 p.m. at Sandyacres Sports & Social Club, Sandyhurst Lane, Ashford, TN25 4PE.
Is Your Riding Up To Scratch
East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists provides you with two options to find out if your riding skills are as good as they could be.
The first option is to let one of our experienced IAM RoadSmart Observers take you out for a FREE assessment of your capabilities and potential, and provide you with a written report.
Are You Under 30?
Statistically, riders under the age of 30 are far more likely to have a life-changing accident. If you are under 30 then not only can EKAM improve your riding skills but is also prepared to subsidise the full cost of the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Course fee. Terms and conditions apply but please read this Younger Riders Under 30 article.
Shop Online & Help EKAM
Did you know there is a way you can help EKAM when you shop online – and it’ll cost you nothing but a tiny amount of forward planning. EKAM has registered with which partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra – the cost is covered by the brand. The number of brands which have partnered is staggering. As a tiny example:
- Buying a new washing machine online - AO will donate up 1.5% of the cost of your purchase.
- Online Clothes Shopping at M&S – 3.5% donation
- Bit of DIY online ordering from B&Q – 0.5% donation
- Online food order from Tesco - £1.75 donation
- Booking a hotel on - 4% donation
With nearly 200 members, imagine how much we could raise for EKAM and what EKAM could do with those extra funds. So, how do you sign up? Click the easyfundraising image below to register. Then install the browser extension (super simple) and every time you visit an online store which is participating, you’ll be prompted to claim the donation. It’s that simple!
Test Passes 2024
The club's main aim in life is to qualify its associates as Advanced riders and welcome them into the fold as full members.
Congratulations for test passes in 2024 go to: -
- Alasdair Goulden (9/4/24)
- Michael Spice (20/5/24)
- Tony DeGruttola (24/5/24)
- Adrian Went (28/8/24)
- Simon Cottam (F1rst) (31/8/24)
- Shelly Williams (7/9/24)
- Danny Herbert (29/9/24)
- David Scott (F1rst) (13/10/24)
- Adam Syme (F1rst) (26/10/24)
- Mark Foster (9/11/24)
- Oliver Allen-Gausden (First) (30/11/24)
- Paul Summers (15/12/24)
- Charles Wink (30/1/25)
- Peter West (8/2/25)
Member Assessment Test Passes
- Christoper Taylor (F1rst) (5/6/24)
- Lisa Alfsdotter (F1rst) (4/7/24)
- Daniel Beckham (F1rst) (5/7/24)
- Malcolm Gunton (F1rst) 23/8/24)
Help Wanted
We are always keen to have new blood and new ideas brought in to make sure that the club serves members’ interests. So if you have any interest in helping to run the club, please put your name forward to