Preparation commences with a short course comprising of an Introduction To Advanced Motorcycling (ITAM) and a number of observed runs. After your initial course you will be allocated an observer who will be responsible for your progress and recommending you for your test when you are ready. The number of places available for the ITAM course are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis, so an early application is essential.
The course provides the associate (i.e. you) with a relatively intense input on which to base subsequent coaching and also the opportunity to meet and ride with other new members and the Observer Corps. All coaching is on a one-to-one basis and is conducted at whatever pace YOU feel comfortable with. The course is not designed or intended to rush you to test standard.
An observed run usually takes about an hour and a half, after which you will be given a thorough de-briefing and the opportunity to comment on and discuss your ride. Once your observer feels that you have reached the required standard he/she will arrange for you to have a 'check run' with a National Observer before recommending you for the test. The test itself is conducted by a local IAM RoadSmart examiner and will follow a similar format to that of an observed run.
The number of observed runs required to achieve the test standard varies from person to person, but you can be assured you will not be pushed into taking the test unless your observer thinks you are ready for it.
Your coaching will result in a much greater enjoyment of your motorcycling and, on successfully completing the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider test, you will be entitled to the many advantages available to IAM RoadSmart members. As an IAM RoadSmart member your image as a motorcyclist will be much improved in the eyes of other road users. Most importantly of all it may well open your eyes to the opportunities available to you on a motorcycle and give you that sought after luxury - the freedom to make a choice.
In addition to observed runs you may well find the frequent discussions on "Motorcycle Roadcraft" (usually during the winter months) may answer any query you may have. Failing that you will find that any of the observers will be only too pleased to help - and club night is an ideal opportunity to get those nagging questions answered.