Member Login

Please login using the menu link above.

Should you wish to create an account please note you must be an existing club member. Non-member applications will not be authenticated and will be summarily deleted. You do not need to register to renew your membership. Go HERE.

If you are no longer a member of EKAM your account may have already been deleted.

List last purged: 2nd June 2024.

Latest Events

16 Oct 2024;
07:30PM - 11:00PM
Club Night
20 Oct 2024;
09:15AM -
Social Rideout
27 Oct 2024;
British Summer Time Ends
20 Nov 2024;
07:30PM - 11:00PM
Club Night
24 Nov 2024;
10:15AM -
Social Rideout
11 Dec 2024;
07:30PM - 11:00PM
Club Night

East Kent Advanced Motorcyclists provides you with two options to find out if your riding skills are as good as they could be.

The first option is to let one of our experienced IAM RoadSmart Observers take you out for a FREE assessment of your capabilities and potential, and provide you with a written report.

Our second option is an

Introductory Day Course (Taster Day)

Only £20.00

(Refundable if enrolled on an Advanced Rider Course within 12 months)

Under 30?
We will subsidise an Advanced Rider Course
by up to the full cost of the Advanced Rider Course enrolment fee
Terms and Conditions Apply - see Are You Under 30? for further details

To take us up on any of these special offers
contact us on 03002 010520
or email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Follow-On Options for Continuing Tuition

Option 1 for New Members - £215.00

  1. Advanced Rider Course Handbook
  2. One year's associate membership of IAM RoadSmart
  3. A minimum of 6 months associate membership of EKAM
  4. Tuition to IAM RoadSmart test standard
  5. Half-day Slow Riding Control Skills Course
  6. The IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Test

 Option 1A Second Category Members - £153.00

As Option 1 but only for existing IAM RoadSmart members who have passed an IAM advanced test in an alternate vehicle category.

Once you have passed your IAM RoadSmart test the following are payable annually:-

  • IAM RoadSmart annual membership - £48.00 (£43.00 if paid by Direct Debit)
    • IAM RoadSmart Fellows membership - £66.00 (£61.00 if paid by Direct Debit)
  • EKAM annual membership - £27.50 (£25.00 if paid by Standing Order or Faster Payment)
    • Member's rejoining Fee if not paid by 30th April - £35.00
    • Associate membership renewal - £35.00

For full details of IAM RoadSmart membership benefits please visit the IAM RoadSmart website.

Associates that join on or after 1st September will have their Associate Membership extended to the next membership year. EKAM's membership year starts on 1st March, IAM RoadSmart membership renewal is due on the anniversary of enrolement.  Continuous membership of both organisations needs to be maintained to retain membership.

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